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Petsy App

Petsy App

About Project


The product: Petsy is a online Petfood Store.
Petsy deliver healthy special custom meal for your cat or dog, plus a selection of other product. Petsy target customer are all the Pet owner that want to feed their pet with fresh and quality food without the struggle to cook themselves and have not time to go around and purchase pet food etc… in  shops.
Project duration:  October 2021 December 2021.
The problem: Busy workers lack the time necessary to prepare a healthy meal for their pets.
The goal:  Create a Delivery App that will offer a list of healthy and high qualitative product as custom food, medical food, known brands and accessorize.
My role:  UX designer designing an App for Petsy from conception to delivery.
Responsibilities:   Conducting interviews, paper and digital wire framing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and interacting on design
Summary:  I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the user I’m designing for and their needs. A primary user group identified through research was working adults who don’t have time to cook meals for their pets.This user group confirmed initial assumptions about Petsy App, but research also revealed that time was not the only factor limiting user to cook at home for their pets. Other user problems included Pets with health related problems in need of specific ingredient in the diet or vet food which is more challenging to find in shops.

Pain point
1 Working adults are to busy to spend time on meal preparations
2 Platform for ordering online petfood are not equipped with assistive technologies.
3 App online don’t have custom meal for your pet.
4 Most of the app are difficult to navigate to read and too busy .
PERSONA: Sam Wright
Problem statement: Sam is a Teacher in a primary school who needs to be able to place an order with right ingredient made in purpose for her dog because she diabetes.
Usability study: findings
From this usability study I found loads of suggestion for improve the app by adding different kind of customization that will definitely be useful to reach a more broad range of people .
1 User need customization on page “go to product” for the Personalized meal
2 Add a previous order section
3 Empathize the registration form with a pop up overlay and discount
4 User found the summary page to basic
5 Category has been customized with icons to be more easy to understand
6 Buttons  and titles were made bigger

Accessibility considerations
1 Provide access to users who are vision impared through adding alt text to images for screen readers.
2 Used icons to help make navigation easier.
3 Used detailed imagery for each ingredient available to help users better understand the design.
Impact: The app makes user feel like Petsy really think about how to meet their needs.
One quote from peer feedback: “The app is very fun and intuitive also very original that I can have a custom meal for my Dog, I would definitely use an app like this”
What I learned: While designing the Petsy app, I learned that the first ideas for the app are only the beginning of the process. Usability studies and peer feedback influenced each interaction of the app’s designs.
December 7, 2021
UX Design